Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dogs & Devotion - new book

Perhaps one of the reasons we are so devoted to our dogs is that they help us become who we're supposed to be.

"How easy to get lost in a dog's eyes!" write the Monks of New Skete in this new book celebrating our lives with our dogs.

Far from getting lost, though, you might very well find what really matters most to you as you read through these soul-stirring meditations and enjoy the heartwarming photographs of dogs doing what they do best--being themselves.

A gift book that reflects on the value of the extraordinary and loyal friendship between dogs and their owner.

About New Skete

For over 35 years, New Skete's German Shepherd breeding program has dedicated itself to providing the best possible companion dog for you and your family.

The excellence in temperament, personality and structure for which our German Shepherds are known is the result of carefully researched and selected bloodlines and the all-important early handling we give our puppies from the day they are born until they leave us between 8 and 10 weeks of age.

All of our German Shepherds live right in our monastery, with each monk responsible for the training and care of a female or male dog