Saturday, January 9, 2010

Calcium Oxalate Stones - Canine Dietary Management

Calcium Oxalate calculi (stones) develop because the urine is saturated with calcium and oxalate. Oxalate is formed from carbohydrate-like chemicals found in many commercial dog foods.

Inhibitors of oxalate calculi formation include phosphorus, magnesium and citrate. The stones form more readily in acid urine - however the crystals do not form in acid urine when magnesium is normal or increased.

The conclusion is dietary magnesium is important for preventing calcium oxalate calculi.

The following diet contains low oxalate,
 and minimum calcium. They also contain normal phosphorus which prevents absorption of excess calcium. A calcium oxalate diet should contain minimum vitamin D  to minimize calcium absorption. Avoid high doses of Vitamin C.

Adult Dogs with Oxalate Stones

Black-Eyed Peas and Rice Diet

2/3 cup black-eyed peas (cooked) look for canned beans in a health food store

2 cups cooked brown rice
1 teaspoon Flax Oil
2 teaspoons Olive Oil
1/2 teaspoon Bone Meal
1/4 teaspoon salt substitute (potassium chloride)
1/2 teaspoon Green Power
1 Treatamin (low potency multivitamin)
pinch of table salt (sodium chloride)

This diet is for a 21-22 pound dog (696 cal, 19.3 grams protein, 17.8 grams fat) Calcium at 55%, phosphorus at 102%, sodium at 33% and vitamin D at 63%.

Brown Rice - you may substitute 1 1/2 cup Potato, cooked with skins (cut into cubes)
Black-eyed peas - you may substitute pinto beans or 5 oz cooked Salmon, Halibut or Scallops
Note - health food stores or Co-ops have a wide variety of canned beans - look for NO SALT.