Thursday, October 1, 2009

Herbs 101

Introduction to Herbs 
Herbs have been part of humankind's diet and pharmacy since we began roaming the earth...  
5000 years ago
Ancient Sumerians left written evidence of medicinal uses for plants such a laurel, caraway and thyme. Herbalists have practiced their trade since the beginning of recorded history - many herbs are mentioned in the Bible.
What we lost

Today, our culture relies on western medicines so much that we have lost our perspective on herbs. But herbs are used by more people worldwide than any other medicine.
And for our pets?
Despite all this herbal history, many pet owners seem reluctant to use herbal medicines to help their pets. Many dog owners have questions: Are herbs safe? Which ones can I use for my dog? How do I give herbs? Are they effective?
Marlene and I have been using herbal remedies for many, many years. When used correctly, they are safe, effective and excellent 'helpers' for other alternative medicines.
The herbs we sell
At The Natural Canine we feel the safest and most effective herbs are the 'nutritive' herbs - in other words, herbs that are food and have nutrients such as vitamins and minerals - some examples are parsley, dandelion, basil, and mint.
Herbs are not drugs
An herb is not one single bioactive chemical. Every herb contains dozens of bioactive chemicals. They add proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Herbs also add spice and flavoring, and many are tonic - helping the dog to maintain the balance of the dog's organ system. Some herbs do have specific medicinal uses.