When you come home the tail is wagging - and you are welcomed by a happy dog. When you are ready to go for a walk, he senses this in advance.
He has a good appetite and eats without hesitiation, finishing every bite. He drinks now and again - not too little, not too much.
He produces formed stools 2-3 times a day - the color depending on what he has been eating.
The dog's bodily orifices such as jaws, ears, eyes, anus and vagina are squeaky clean - neither dirty nor sticky and no unpleasant smell.
What is important to your dog?
For the dog, the MOST important thing is his relationship with his master - the person who brings him up lovingly and consistently - giving praise and occasionally a reprimand. Brushing his coat and other grooming related gestures are felt by the dog as an expression of love.
Special characteristics of old age
Ageing is a complex process which begins at birth - here are 2 main principals of ageing:
- a decrease and reduction in the supply of blood to all organs including the brain.
- an accumulation of toxins, the body's own 'rubbish', in the tissues - metabolism slows down and waste is no longer satisfactorily expelled.
The diseases associated with old age can be, to a great extent, moderated or even totally eliminated by using preventivie measures. Apply these measures while you dog is still healthy - there is no 'cure' for getting old!
The first anti-ageing remedy is to reduce the meat in the diet by half - and compensting for this by giving protein from living animals, yogurt, cottage cheese and eggs.
The second is to use herbal and homeopathic remedies - mild and gentle, these remedies frequently prove possilbe to prevent the dog from falling ill. (See our Senior Dog Kits )