Forget the tomato juice!
Reduce the skunk threat by not making them welcome. Never leave pet food outside, don’t feed skunks, keep trash containers secure, and remove piles of brush that could serve as shelter. When you take the dog out at dawn or dusk — when skunks are most active — flip on a yard light and make a lot of noise first to scare them off.
Even after taking all the precautions, though, your dog can run afoul of the critters. Should the worst happen, the first thing to do is close your doors and keep the dog outside. There’s nothing worse than a skunked dog running through a house, trying to rub the scent off on rugs or furniture.
Don’t hose off the dog. A skunk’s oily musk can’t be removed by water; in fact, water only makes things worse. Also worth noting: Tomato juice doesn’t work as a remedy. It’ll just turn your dog pink.
Anti-skunk dog rinse
1 quart fresh hydrogen peroxide (available at any drugstore or grocery store)
1/4 cup baking soda
2 tablespoons liquid dish soap (preferably Dawn)
1. Mix all ingredients. The mixture will bubble, and it must be used when freshly made, while it’s still active.
2. The washing should be done outside; wear protective gloves.
3. Don’t wet the dog; pour the mixture over the dry dog, being careful not to get any in the animal’s eyes, and let it sit for 10 minutes.
4. Rinse and repeat.
5. If the smell persists, make another batch of solution and go another round. (And it’s probably not a bad idea to follow up with a professional groomer.)