Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nettles - Nature's multivitamin

Nettle (Urtica dioica) is an amazing herb! Let learn a little about this plant.

APPEARANCE: Stinging Nettle is an erect plant that can grow as high as 7 feet. It reproduces from its shallow root system and grows in dense patches. The leaves are lance-shaped with toothed margins. Flowers hang in drooping clusters. The stems are covered with fine, stinging hairs.

HABITAT AND RANGE: Nettles inhabit drainage ditches, stream banks and other moist soils throughout North America.

PARTS USED: Leaves and stems of the pre-flowering plant.

PRIMARY MEDICINAL ACTIVITIES: Nutritive, antihistamine, astringent, tonic, helps with blood cleansing.

NETTLES AND DOGS: The tiny hairs on the live plant (not what the dog eats) causes a burning sting. Fortunately this is short lived and drying the herb neutralizes the plants 'sting' - so in the dried form, this herb is completley safe. In fact, 100 grams of dried Nettle contain:
  • 30.4 grams of crude protein
  • 2970 milligrams of calcium
  • 680 mg of phosphorus
  • 32.2 mg iron
  • 650 mg magnesium
  • 20.2 mg beta carotene
  • 3450 mg of potassium
  • Vitamins A, C, D and B complex
...all in a highly palatable form that is easily assimilated into the body without adding stress on the liver, kidney or digestive tract.

This is amazing - how do I give this to my dog?
We recommend our Organic Green Alternative which contain a balanced blend of herbs including NETTLES!


Dog Help Build Children's Confidence in Reading

The Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.) program improves children's reading and communication skills by employing a powerful method: reading to a dog.

But not just any dog. R.E.A.D. dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team, going to schools, libraries and many other settings as reading companions for children.

R.E.A.D. sessions allow teams of human and dog volunteers to visit with children and motivate them to learn and read in a non-judgemental environment. If a child stumbles when they read to an adult, they often feel judged and lose confidence - but... read to a dog and all that changes. If they mis-pronounce a word or mix up the sentence - the dog loves the reader just the same... and the child knows it! Confidence builds - they can read the sentence again, improving skill and building confidence.

Today, thousands of registered R.E.A.D. teams work throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and beyond. R.E.A.D. is one of those ideas that, in the words of Bill Moyers, "pierces the mundane to arrive at the marvelous."
Intermountain Therapy Animals, a nonprofit organization, launched R.E.A.D. in 1999 as the first comprehensive literacy program built around the appealing idea of reading to dogs, and the program has been spreading rapidly and happily ever since!

More info here

Exercise - Health - Diet

The National Academy of Sciences reports that one out of every four dogs in the western world is now overweight.

Obese dogs are more prone to almost every major illness (diabetes, cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease and digestive troubles) Lean dogs tend to live longer.

Exercise can improve your dog's physical and mental health, but it is important to find the best exercise routine for you and your dog. Here are some workout tips for dogs:
  • Consider your dog's age, health, condition and current activity level. Check with a vet before beginning anything vigorous.
  • Make sure to keep your dog on a leash at all times when you are exercising in public. You don't want your dog to get distracted by cars, people or other dogs.
  • Letting your dog out in your backyard doesn't qualify as exercise; however, a good game of fetch may do the trick.
  • When exercising your dog, try to keep it on a grassy or earth surface. A hot sidewalk or sharp gravel surface is hard on a dog's paws. Always remember to bring along clean water and a portable bowl so you can offer your dog a drink if needed.
  • Stop exercising immediately if your dog begins to pant too rapidly. Dogs can suffer from heat stroke, so make sure your dog is not overexerting itself.
  • Pay special attention to your dog's footpads and toenails. If there are any abrasions or cuts, stop exercising until they have completely healed.
  • When starting your dog on any exercise program, begin slowly to build up its endurance level; too vigorous a workout may cause injury.

A good long walk with intermittent jogging or stopping to play a little fetch is excellent - in the wild a dog will walk at a good pace for hours, then maybe chase an animal, then go back to the 'dog walk' or rest for a while - it's OK to take a break!

What about diet?

Diet plays a huge role - this should not surprise you. One of the main benefits of feeding fresh, home prepared diets is that your dog will naturally lose excess weight (takes several weeks) and naturally find his/her true weight. Most home-preparers discover that all the paunchy fat disappears, the dog's shape will actually change as fat dissolves and muscle builds. You will also notice that your dog smells great, a clean, fresh, natural smell comes from the fur, skin, ears and mouth - it's really amazing. Fresh food dogs move around more because their energy level increases! The 'living energy' of the fresh food (impossible with any kibble) is transferred to the cells of the dog - remember, the food becomes the dog - we cannot stress this enough as a benefit of home prepared meals.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Calcium Oxalate Stones - Canine Dietary Management

Calcium Oxalate calculi (stones) develop because the urine is saturated with calcium and oxalate. Oxalate is formed from carbohydrate-like chemicals found in many commercial dog foods.

Inhibitors of oxalate calculi formation include phosphorus, magnesium and citrate. The stones form more readily in acid urine - however the crystals do not form in acid urine when magnesium is normal or increased.

The conclusion is dietary magnesium is important for preventing calcium oxalate calculi.

The following diet contains low oxalate,
 and minimum calcium. They also contain normal phosphorus which prevents absorption of excess calcium. A calcium oxalate diet should contain minimum vitamin D  to minimize calcium absorption. Avoid high doses of Vitamin C.

Adult Dogs with Oxalate Stones

Black-Eyed Peas and Rice Diet

2/3 cup black-eyed peas (cooked) look for canned beans in a health food store

2 cups cooked brown rice
1 teaspoon Flax Oil
2 teaspoons Olive Oil
1/2 teaspoon Bone Meal
1/4 teaspoon salt substitute (potassium chloride)
1/2 teaspoon Green Power
1 Treatamin (low potency multivitamin)
pinch of table salt (sodium chloride)

This diet is for a 21-22 pound dog (696 cal, 19.3 grams protein, 17.8 grams fat) Calcium at 55%, phosphorus at 102%, sodium at 33% and vitamin D at 63%.

Brown Rice - you may substitute 1 1/2 cup Potato, cooked with skins (cut into cubes)
Black-eyed peas - you may substitute pinto beans or 5 oz cooked Salmon, Halibut or Scallops
Note - health food stores or Co-ops have a wide variety of canned beans - look for NO SALT.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Arthritis Support Kit - great results - comprehensive approach

Arthritis Support Kit Testimonials

#1 Thanks for combining the orders - I couldn't believe I forgot to order the Sea Muscle; it has really seemed to improve Barkley's back leg muscle strength!! I'm so thankful for the products and information you offer, Barkley's overall health has improved so much over the past several months!! Thanks again.

#2 Hi, friends: Right after I ordered the remedy, Jackie seemed somewhat better. Then the day the remedy arrived she was quite stiff when she got up and was limping somewhat by evening. Well, this morning, she's like a pup. No stiffness, no limping! She got out her toys this morning and had a romp before I left for work. (I didn't allow her to overdo it). But I have to say that I am AMAZED at how this stuff works. I really want to learn more about homeopathy.

What is Arthritis?

Osteoarthritis: is a form of degenerative joint disease. There is often a genetic component to the disease and symptoms are often progressive with age. It can involve the deterioration of and changes to the cartilage and bone. In response to inflammation in and about the joint, the body responds with bony remodeling around the joint structure. This process can be slow and gradual with minimal outward symptoms, or more rapidly progressive with significant pain and discomfort. Osteoarthritic changes can occur in response to infection and injury of the joint as well.

Symptoms of Arthritis

Do you suspect that your dog might have arthritis?
Veterinarians have developed a list of signs that might indicate that your dog has arthritis. Look for the following symptoms:
  • inactivity
  • reluctance to lie down or get up
  • trouble running and climbing stairs
  • audible "clicking" when walking
  • change in behavior that seems to indicate pain
  • swelling and inflammation of the joints
  • limping
  • limited movements and lack of desire to exercise
Should your dog exhibit one or more of these signs on a recurring basis, don't hesitate to take her in for a checkup.

The Natural Canine Approach

It may not surprise you to read that we recommend a holistic (treat the whole dog) approach. As with any condition, diet is very important - feeding fresh, home prepared meals helps your dog lose weight naturally. Excess weight, even a few pounds, places unnecessary stress on joints! Next, we recommend three products:
1. Homeopathic Joint Stress - specially formulated for relief from Joint Stiffness, Muscle Tension, Pain in lower back and Joint areas. (liquid drops)

2. Natural Canine Pet Joint Ease - Herbal formula to support joint health and ease of movement. These herbs may be given long-trem. Expect to see results in 1-2 weeks. Our herbal formulas are designed for long-term support (powder)
3. Sea Mussel - A New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Supplement to Support Connective Tissue and Joint Functions. (capsule)

Visit our website to see all our Arthritis Support Products

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Brushing your dog's teeth!

It isn't difficult to brush a dog's teeth, and with positive reinforcement, it will become an enjoyable routine. Here's what you need for supplies:
  • Canine toothpaste (chicken flavor is best!)
  • Canine toothbrush - specially designed
  • PhytoDent - herbal oral rub for gums and teeth
The above items and instructions are included in our
Order Teeth Cleaning Kit

NOTE - never use a human toothpaste - they are toxic to dog. The toothpaste is swallowed by your dog so it must be non-toxic.

Give Her a Treat
A reward routine is the best way to introduce your dog to dental hygiene. Initially, for a period of 2 weeks, invite your dog to come to a specially designated area for brushing his/her teeth. Ask her to sit and then give her a small treat when she sits. That's it to begin!

Order Teeth Cleaning Kit

By the third week, your dog will LOVE to come to the area for a treat. This is when we begin to introduce the idea of brushing. Do not begin with the toothbrush. Rather, place a small amount of the toothpaste on your index finger. Rub your finger along the teeth and get him used to the feeling (and taste) of the paste and the sensation of something running across the gums and teeth. Go easy and DON'T FORGET the PRAISE and a little treat at each session.

Put a little drop of the PhytoDerm on a finger and do the same proceedure.

Order Teeth Cleaning Kit

After a week, now it's time for the toothbrush - this will be no surprise for your dog because at this point everything has been fun and there is a treat at the end - lots of praise as well. Use gentle circular motions with the brush, and only brush the outside surfaces - pay attention to the gumline - the dog's tongue maintains the inside.

Finish each session with rubbing (or brushing) a few drops of PhytoDent along the gumline.

Individual items sold here